June 14, 2021
In case you missed it, each week I will be taking you through some key headlines highlighting women in media from key publications. Here's your wrap up for 7 - 13 June 2021:
1. The photos that every Australian shouldn't look away from today.
As reported by Mamamia

A story that many outlets, including Mamamia, have been reporting on since 2018, is the tale of two sisters that have essentially known nothing else but the walls of the Christmas Island detention centre.
Pictured in pain is three-year-old Tharunicaa Murugappan who was medically evacuated to Perth for treatment of a suspected blood infection.
How has this happened? How has this tragic story gone on for so long whereby this family was detained after the mother's bridging visa had expired?
They've spent three Christmases locked up. Three years trying to give their Queensland-born daughters a childhood behind bars. Three years in the depths of the Australian justice system.
2. Scott Morrison, your chance is now: Get gender equality on the G7 Summit agenda
As reported by Women's Agenda
Australia ranks 22nd out of 28 OECD countries in terms of the percentage of our total aid budget dedicated to gender equality. Bettina Baldeschi, the chief executive of the International Women’s Development Agency, says that must change.
Last week Scott Morrison attended this year's G7 in Cornwall (11- 13 June). An invaluable opportunity for Australia to be seen on the world stage to 'build back better' from the pandemic. We've only been invited a handful of times since 1975.
How will Austrailia use this opportunity to help lead the way to greater gender mainstreaming across the G7 priorities?
3. China is repressing the feminist movement, but women's voices are only getting louder
As reported by ABC News
China's Chairman Mao Zedong once famously said that "women hold up half the sky" — a powerful manifesto for gender equality and a legacy for the Chinese Communist Party.
But decades later, his proclamation of women's equality is far from reality.
Today, women in China still face discrimination in the workplace, politics and at home, and feminist movements have been facing unprecedented crackdowns in recent years.
But there are more women who call themselves feminists now than ever before.
Tune in again next week for more headlines!
Louise Nealon
About Louise Nealon
Award-winning Communications Director, Louise Nealon, helps purpose-led organisations and minority groups that support humanity, to be visible and heard – in order to create positive change in the world.