Weekly News Headlines: Edition Five

Louise Nealon


May 10, 2021

In case you missed it, each week I will be taking you through some key headlines highlighting women in media from key publications. Here's your wrap up for 3 - 9 May 2021:

1. "You are all no better than the cleaner." 7 women on what drove them to 'rage quit' their jobs.

As reported by Mamamia

A powerful story from women who stood up in their workplace and said that enough was enough!

"I’ve left the job after the way you dressed me down in the office. It was nothing more than aggressive and cruel but that’s a reflection on your character, not mine."

Julie concluded the note reminding her co-workers, that "in a world when you can be anything, BE KIND. Because you are all no better than the cleaner."

After Julie's story went viral Mamamia reached out to hear from other women who also were driven to 'rage quit' their jobs.

Read the full story

2. Australia’s female leaders talk about holding truth to power and their vision for the future

As reported by Women's Agenda

Last week at the Women's Agender Leadership Awards ABC Four Corners’ journalist and author, Louise Milligan shared the stage with Greens Senator Larissa Waters and youth activist Yasmin Poole. They took this time to discuss the past few months that has been a catalyst of events in response to a long history of toxic culture, discrimination and sexual misconduct.

Larissa Waters agreed that remaining optimistic about the future is vital, in spite of the countless atrocities facing women both here in Australia and across the globe.

“Right now is a harrowing time for women everywhere,” she said. “I have to hope that there is going to be a better Australia. I have to believe that change is possible. I have to believe that we will prevail.”

Read the full story

3. Online targeting of women politicians and journalists a ‘real concern’ – BAI

As reported by The Irish Times

Deputy Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) told an Oireachtas committee last week, “The BAI is very concerned about the specific targetting of women online, not solely those in public office, but in particular those in public office, such as politicians and women journalists in particular.”

A new Media Commission is being proposed from legislation that will address online content. It is being discussed that it might have to include specific references to combatting gender-based or sexuality-based harm, the Joint Committee on Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht has been told.

Read the full story

Tune in again next week for more headlines!

Louise Nealon

About Louise Nealon

Award-winning Communications Director, Louise Nealon, helps purpose-led organisations and minority groups that support humanity, to be visible and heard – in order to create positive change in the world.

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